Calculate how much compensation you are owed

Please note we do not accept Private Tenants at this moment!

How much compensation is my housing disrepair claim worth?

The amount of compensation awarded for damp/mould or infestation is fact specific i.e., it is determined on a case-by-case basis, assessing the tenant’s individual circumstances. The extent of the disrepair will be taken into consideration, measured on a scale of mild, moderate to severe. 

To assess your compensation we look at the number of rooms impacted by the disrepair and how much of each room is unable to be used, weighed against the total number of rooms in the property e.g., 4 rooms out of use in a 6-room property due to excessive mould and damp will be classed as severe.

The number of months spent in disrepair also play a large role in the compensation awarded i.e., the length of time you as a tenant have been complaining to the landlord regarding the mould, damp infestation or just general disrepair and your complaints have gone unheard. 

We will look at all of the above and how much rent you pay to come of for a figure to compensate you for your loss of enjoyment of your property. Additional compensation may be awarded to instances where a your personal items have been destroyed due to mould/damp or an infestation, in which case a special damages claim may be brought to recover the costs of these items.  

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